Community at Kehilat Shalom
Make a little noise in the world for good!
Kehilat Shalom is proud of its long time tradition of a yearly Good Deeds Day when the congregation comes together to work on projects that benefit our synagogue community and the larger community. The synagogue engages in social action projects throughout the year, including collecting clothing, shoes, toiletries and toys for refugees in Nogales, Texas after Rabbi Arian visited and participated in the humanitarian work of the Kino Border Initiative there. Our members distribute holiday food baskets at Rosh Hashana and Pesach to needy community members. Sisterhood has an ongoing collection for food to go to the Manna Food Bank and every December for the past several years members have volunteered to put together a Christmas brunch for the Montgomery County Men’s Shelter, with all the auxiliaries of the synagogue contributing.

Manna Food Center
Synagogue members contribute food and household supplies to Manna Food Center. We also hold multiple collections during the year for food, clothing, school supplies, and other needed items.
Community of Kindness
When one of our congregants is in need of assistance, our Good and Welfare Committee mobilizes to engage volunteers to support the congregant and the member’s family. Whether it is providing leaders and participants for a shiva minyan or meals and transportation for someone who is ill, our Kehilat Shalom family is there for our members in need. If you know someone in our community who needs help, please contact us at mail@kehilatshalom.org or 301-869-7699.