Rabbi’s Update 2/12/2025
Dear Friends:
Over the last few weeks, I have spoken with a number of you who are concerned about the future of their employment with the Federal government. Some of you are worried about the possibility of being laid off or otherwise dismissed, while others are reconsidering whether they want to continue to work for the government under current circumstances.
First of all, let me repeat my standing offer to talk with you about your feelings and concerns. You can come to my drop-in hours on Thursdays from 2 to 4 pm, or you can be in touch with me by phone (301-977-0768) or email (rabbi@kehilatshalom.org) to set up a time to meet. I’m happy to meet you on Zoom or in person at a time of your convenience.
If you are suffering financially due to job loss, the Jewish Federation has funds to help you at least for the short term. The central assistance hub for the Jewish community can be reached Monday through Friday between 9 am and 5 pm at 703-J-CARING (703-522-7464).
Here are some resources for Federal employees:
The Partnership for Public Service:
If you have left or been dismissed from your job and are looking to pivot to the nonprofit sector, here is a good place to start:
While the synagogue building itself and some of our members are in the Sixth Congressional District represented by April McClain Delaney, many of us live in the Eighth District and are represented by Jamie Raskin. Here is his page for Maryland residents affected by new government policies and here is his webinar for Federal workers.
My listing of the above resources does not constitute an endorsement of the ideas presented nor the individuals or organizations behind them.
I’m planning on restarting my Thursday night adult education classes tomorrow night. We’ll be resuming our study of Pirkei Avot, the Mishnah tractate which contains maxims for living a good and moral life. You can attend even if you have not participated before. The text of Pirkei Avot with translation is available here and we left off our study about a month ago here. Video recordings of the four previous classes are available here.
This Shabbat, February 15, we read Parashat Yitro which contains the revelation at Mt. Sinai. I read from this parasha and chanted this Haftarah for my Bar Mitzvah on January 27, 1973, and my father z”l did the same for his Bar Mitzvah in 1942. Keleigh and I will be sponsoring the Kiddush that morning and I will be holding a Kiddush Konversation with the subject simply of “Ask the Rabbi.”
Let us all band together, regardless of our political beliefs or affiliations, to, in the words of the “Prayer for Our Country” we say every Shabbat morning, “safeguard the ideals and free institutions which are the pride and glory of our country.”
Rabbi Charles L. Arian