Dear Friends:
Today is Purim, and we had a very nice Purim celebration at the shul last night. I want to thank Hazzan Komrad for leading the service and chanting several chapters of the Megillah in English with the traditional trop; Jacob and Michael Sheib who each chanted a chapter of the Megillah; Bryan Levenson who served as Gabbai; and Linda and Tom Loggie and Wendy Schneider-Levinson for the Oneg which followed services. On a very personal note, I want to thank a number of our members who shared with me that my Purim reflections yesterday morning about balancing mourning and rejoicing inspired them to come to the celebration last night.
The Megillah tells us that while throughout the kingdom of Ahaseurus the Jews fought their enemies on the 13th of Adar and rested on the 14th, in the capital of Shushan the fighting took an extra day, and the Jews rested on the 14th and rested on the 15th. The 15th of Adar is therefore known as Shushan Purim and in any place which was a walled city at the time the Purim story occurred, Purim is observed on the 15th of Adar rather than the 14th. When I was younger I knew someone who actually grew up in Iran in Shushan, but today sadly there is no Jewish community left there. In practice the only place where Shushan Purim is observed in our day is Jerusalem.
The Hebrew calendar is designed in such a way that the 14th of Adar cannot fall on Shabbat, but as it does this year, it can fall on Friday, which means that Shushan Purim this year falls on Shabbat. Since some of the mitzvot of Purim cannot be observed on Shabbat, the result is that some of the mitzvot are observed today even though in Jerusalem is is not yet Purim. Others are observed tomorrow, the actual date of Shushan Purim, while yet others are observed on Sunday, the day after Shushan Purim. This creates in a certain sense a “three day Purim,” known in halachic parlance as Purim Meshulash.
Specifically, the Megillah is read today rather than tomorrow because of a rabbinic decree against reading the Megillah on Shabbat lest one carry the Megillah scroll in an area where there is no eruv. Gifts to the poor are also given today. Tomorrow, Shabbat, the Torah reading is supplemented by a special Maftir for Purim which is the same one as read last Shabbat. It is also customary to add a special dish to the Shabbat meals in honor of Purim. The Purim feast and sending of food gifts to friends is done on Sunday, the last day of Purim Meshulash. In case one would like to be in Purim to observe this unique observance of Purim, the next time this will occur is 2045.
As a reminder, I am having drop-in hours on Thursday afternoons from 2 to 4 at the shul. For my drop-in hours, you do not need to make an appointment -- that would negate the whole point of drop-in hours -- but I’d urge you to check and make sure I am there regardless as sometimes there are unavoidable pastoral or other emergencies which might take me away from the building.
As always, if I can do anything for you or you need to talk, please contact me at rabbi@kehilatshalom.org or 301-977-0768 rather than through the synagogue office. I am happy to meet you at the synagogue by appointment; if you want to speak with me it’s best to make an appointment rather than assuming I will be there when you stop by.
Additionally, if you know of a Kehilat Shalom congregant or another member of our Jewish community who could use a phone call, please let me know.
Rabbi Charles L. Arian